
Edoksis is an e-Ledger service which is a reliable platform that adapts to the changes in a timely manner, allowing you to easily complete the ledger declaration process in accordance with the Revenue Administration standards.

Take Advantage of Financial Efficiency with e-Ledger

Provides increased financial productivity on your operational processes with minimum risk and ease of control.

It also provides e-Ledger usage methods and e-Ledger storage service that allows you to take advantage of native and cloud use. In addition to these, Edoksis offers the opportunity to benefit from the exclusive services of an e-Ledger at the optimum level.

Minimum risk ve denetim kolaylığı ile operasyonel süreçleriniz üzerinde artış gösteren bir finansal verimlilik sağlar.
Edoksis e-Ledger Service You can apply for Edoksis e-Ledger service by filling in the contact form. You can get a qualified electronic certificate from www.edefter.gov.tr. Click to apply
e-Defter kayıtlarını saklayarak, arşivleme ihtiyacınızı karşılar.

Benefits of Edoksis e-Ledger Service

  • It eliminates the necessity of an infrastructure.
  • Meets your archiving needs by storing e-Ledger records.
  • Provides flexible integration methods and manual ledger uploading.
  • Provides archiving service for secure storage of ledgers created using a compatible application.
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